Australian Studies

Australian Studies

Australian Studies

The Australian Studies Programme intends to present Australia’s multifaceted character so that students gain a thorough understanding of the older and newer traditions of this distant country, which is usually only known at the level of clichés in Hungary.

Australia’s development as a nation, the formation of its multicultural society and the reflection of these features in literature and other forms of art, along with the characteristics of Australian English are all areas we treat in our courses in literature, history and civilisation. We also conduct content and language integrated courses focussing on various Australian issues. The aim of the programme, however, is to go beyond the study of isolated fields and provide complex and comparative approaches that help students become broad-minded, socially aware, sensitive, accepting, well-prepared and analytical professionals of English.

The Australian Studies Programme offers courses and thesis supervision in the following study programmes:

  • BA in English - In this programme the aim of the Australian courses is to sensitize students to new perspectives and facets of English speaking cultures. The courses are offered among specialised courses under  the code BBN-ANG 372, content based language classes with the code BBN-ANG 204 as well as general studies coded BBV.
  • MA in English - Australian courses in the MA programme are offered in the Postcolonial literatures and cultures specialisation track and the Culture and Society track and their aim is to provide more in-depth knowledge and understanding of Australia and Australian Studies.
  • English Teacher Training (OTAK) - In the teacher training programme Australian courses are provided among the English Speaking Cultures courses. The course aim to familiarize the participants with various facets of Australia and to help them integrate cultural issues into language teaching in their practice.

The programme was created by the university - in 1992 - but it could not have survived without sponsorship. Our books all came as donations from the Australian Government, the Australian Embassy in Budapest, publishers, universities, authors and individuals.

A special word of thanks:

Before closing their office in Budapest, the Australian Embassy donated their library to the Australian Studies Programme of ELTE. The valuable collection of literature, historical, arts and political books is held in the library of the School of English and American Studies. The Australian Embassy has been helping our work with book and film donations as well as by inviting writers, artists, researchers and organising cultural events since 1991. We express our gratitude for all the support we have received.



Core members:

Gall, Cecília
resident lecturer / lektor
Holló Dorottya, PhD
PhD assoc. prof./docens
programme co-ordinator