English Teacher Training (OTAK)

English Teacher Training (OTAK)

English Teacher Training

One of DELP's most important areas is English Teacher Training. We are currently involved in the 5 and 6-year MA Double Major Teacher Training Programme popularly known as OTAK after the acronym of the Hungarian term: Osztatlan tanárképzés. Another programme we are involved in is the Short Cycle Teacher Training Programme for those who already have a degree in English. The popular name of this programme is RTAK following the Hungarian acronym for Rövid Ciklusú Tanárképzés. Our MA in ELT programme has been terminated. This page gives an overview of the curricula of these programmes and provides links to general information on teacher training.

Teacher training at ELTE is coordinated by the Teacher Training Centre (Tanárképző Központ). Information is available on their website in Hungarian for both prospective and enrolled students.


The curricula of the different programmes in English Teacher Training (OTAK) can be found on the website of the Faculty of Humanities, at:

https://btk.elte.hu/tanarkepzes/osztatlan for students starting their studies in or before 2021, and

https://www.btk.elte.hu/tanarkepzes/osztatlan-2022  for students starting their studies in 2022.

The curricula for the short cycle programmes (RTAK) are accessible from:

https://btk.elte.hu/tanarkepzes/rovidciklusu for students starting their studies in or before 2021, and

https://btk.elte.hu/tanarkepzes/rovidciklusu-2022 for students starting their studies in 2022.