Student research (TDK)

TDK (Scientific Student Associations) at DELP

The OTDK (Országos Tudományos Diákköri Tanács) stands as Hungary's most esteemed organisation for student research. While local TDK events occur every semester (usually in May and in November), allowing students to qualify for the national level, the OTDK conferences themselves take place every two years.

Students deciding to do individual research in language pedagogy usually compete in the TDK event organised by Szakmódszertani Központ and then submit their papers to the Learning and Teaching Methodology – Knowledge Technology section.

How can you participate?

Once you have your research topic, you need to have a supervisor (look at the staff directory to see who offers supervision in what topic). Then, you need to carry out your research, write it up and enter the TDK competition organised by Szakmódszertani Központ. At this event, you will need to present your research either in Hungarian (20 minutes) or in English (15 minutes + 5 minutes in Hungarian). A jury will evaluate your presentation and give you feedback on your research. If they suggest you enter the OTDK, you will have approximately a month to finalise your research paper and enter the competition. You’ll receive feedback on the uploaded research paper and if you get the score needed for qualification, you can present your paper at the next OTDK event. The next OTDK takes place in Spring 2025.

Why should you participate?

Achieving a good placement in the OTDK typically provides a significant advantage when applying for master's or doctoral studies. However, even without such a high achievement, participation in scientific student circles can positively impact a student's career. These student research papers often lead to a young researcher's first publication. Additionally, through debates at local and national conferences, students can develop professional networks that may benefit their future careers.

Who should I turn to?

If you have any questions about the process, you struggle to find a supervisor or you need some convincing, send a message to Rita Divéki.

Useful links

How to participate in the TDK?

37th OTDK

Tanulás- és Tanításmódszertani – Tudástechnológiai Szekció