Australian links
Australian links
Here you can find some useful websites if you would like to delve into Australian issues.
Australia in general
Aboriginal matters
- entertainment and culture
- Australian Film Institution
- Australian Record Industry Association
- National Library of Australia
- Sydney Opera House
- The Sydney Symphony
Museums & libraries
- Australian National Maritime Museum
- National Archives of Australia
- National Library of Australia
- Migration Museum
- National Museum
- Porth Arthur Historic Site
- Queensland Museum
Politics and general affairs
Before proceeding to further links, please read the following:
In our Australian classes we often tell you about important Australian values, many of which were realised by the Labour government (1972-1975) lead by Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. It was during this period that Australia dismantled the White Australia Policy and officially adopted multiculturalism. The New York Times gives this summary of his/their achievements:
"Mr. Whitlam, who championed indigenous rights and equality for women, led the Australian Labor Party to victory in the 1972 election after 23 years in opposition. Once in power, his administration moved quickly to abolish capital punishment, university fees and military conscription. It also set aside funds for specialized hospitals and created a national health system, which still exists in altered form."
Mr. Whitlam was an important and influential figure of Australian politics and public life even after his official political career. He died on 21 October, 2014 at the age of 98, and the obituaries of this great man offer an interesting insight into his life and actions as well as a few Australian social issues.
- Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
- Australian Government Australian Trade and Investment Commission
- Australian Givernment The Treasury
- Prime Minister of Australia
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Human Rights Commission
Parties: - Australian Greens
- Australian Labor Party
- The Australian Democrats
- Liberal Party
- Australian Government Australian Sports Commission
- Australian Cricket
- Australian Rugby Union
- Australian Football League