Department of English Language  Pedagogy

School of English and American Studies - Eötvös Loránd University

1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 5. tel.: (36-1) 485 52 00 extension: 4407, email: delp@seas3.elte.hu




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BA in English

English Teacher Training

MA in English

MA in English Language Instruction

PhD in  Language   Pedagogy

Anti-discrimination Statement


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Australian Studies

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Research & Projects

APA & MLA guidelines

Good to know



Books by our staff

DELP history







APA and MLA guidelines

& a list of databases for research

Academic papers at DELP have to follow the APA Manual (7th Edition)* regarding formatting, citation and referencing. As APA relates to using American English, and spelling and punctuation rules vary in different national varieties of English, authors should be consistent in applying the spelling and punctuation rules of the variety they use and thus may deviate from the standards described by APA. Papers should be organised using headings relevant to the type of paper. Chapters and sections are also to be numbered or go without numbering depending on the type of paper. In seminar papers numbering is not necessary, while in theses numbering should be used. The APA citation and referencing style must be adhered to meticulously in every type of paper.


*Except papers on literary, historical, social or cultural topics in the Australian Studies Programme, which should be written according to the MLA guidelines.


Links to APA

Link to MLA

Generating and handling references

A list of databases for research





Links to APA

Most papers at DELP  are written about language, language use, intercultural communication, language teaching or learning. The tradition is for these  papers to follow the APA style of documentation.    

Resources and guidelines for the APA style of documentation can be found here.

For further help and information we recommend the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) on APA  at:



Link to MLA

For the MLA style of documentation we recommend the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) on MLA (9th edition) at:



Generating and handling references:

Word processing programmes usually have their own citation/reference making component, but there are other tools that can be used. Among others:





This is a complex referencing programme. To get acquainted with it the following sites may be useful: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=zotero+tutorial
This is probably the best one to start with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP5AzJHXfIA
And this one explains how to insert it into Word docs.:


This is similar to the previous one, and several tutorials are available for it online.


The commonly used word processor 'Word' also has a referencing tool under the "References" tab, and tutorials on how to use it can be found online.



A list of databases for research (can be accessed froman ELTE IP address*):

http://www.eisz.hu for: Web of Science, Science Direct, Springer Link



JSTOR http://www.jstor.org/

EBSCO: http://search.ebscohost.com 

    including: Academic Search Complete, Education Research Complete, ERIC

AtoZ - can be reached from: http://konyvtar.elte.hu/en/node/971  

ERIC - can be reached from: http://konyvtar.elte.hu/en/node/971


*If you want to use your home computer to access databases that ELTE is subscribed to, you need to connect to the ELTE network. To do this, you must have the Stunnel programme installed on your computer. A description of this programme and instructions for the installation can be found here: http://iig.elte.hu/file/Stunnel_leiras.pdf  (in Hungarian) and here:

http://iig.elte.hu/file/2014_Stunnel_eng.pdf (in English)


Further databases:


ELTE library catalogue: http://opac.elte.hu



Databases of Hungarian publications (including some in English):











                                  ©  ELTE  DELP,  Budapest