Dictionary Definitions

Lead-in questions:

  1. Do you think that the language used in the media differs in any way from the language used elsewhere? Why?

  2. Discuss the characteristics of media language. Think of vocabulary, style, grammar, genres, etc.

  3. What do you think the term “power of language” entails?

Task 1

Write a definition for the terms “media” and “medium”. Indicate the word class (verb, noun, adjective, adverb) they belong to, define them, and give a sentence to illustrate how they may be used. When you have finished, read the dictionary definitions provided for the terms in Document 1.


Word class:


Sentence with the word "medium" in it:


Word class:


Sentence with the word "media" in it:

Solution (opens in new window)

Task 2

Look at the list below and put a tick next to the items that you would also include under the term “media”. When you have finished, discuss your choices with your partners.

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