Department of English Language  Pedagogy

School of English and American Studies - Eötvös Loránd University

1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 5. tel.: (36-1) 485 52 00 extension: 4407, email: delp@seas3.elte.hu




Staff directory

Staff details

Who to turn to?

BA in English

English Teacher Training

MA in English

MA in English Language Instruction

PhD in  Language   Pedagogy

Anti-discrimination Statement


Notice board

Australian Studies

Course Materials


Staff calendar

Research & Projects

APA & MLA guidelines

Good to know



Books by our staff

DELP history






Welcome to the

Department of English Language Pedagogy

- Angol Nyelvpedagógia Tanszék -


Find us on too at: https://www.facebook.com/eltedelp



Click on the photos below to find DELPers' accessibility in the Staff Directory


Barbarics Márta

Dávid Gergely

Dávid Gergely

Divéki Rita

Monika Ford

Gall Cecilia

Halapi Magdolna

Halápi Magdolna

Dorothy Hoffmann

Holló Dorottya

Hubai Katalin

Jenei Gabriella

Károly Krisztina

Károly Krisztina

Kimmel Magdolna

Kimmel Magdolna

Király Zsolt

Kótay-Nagy Anna

Kukáné Horváth Barbara

Lázár Ildikó

Major Éva

Thomas Mansell

Medgyes Péter

Pereszlényi Anna

Uwe Pohl

Uwe Pohl

Frank Prescott

Price Beatrix

Révész Judit

Révész Judit

Christopher Ryan

Julian Salanki

Schüszler Tamara

Szabó Éva

Szabó Éva


Széll Zsófia

Szesztay Margit

Szesztay Margit

Andrea Thurmer

Veljanovszki Dávid

Zólyomi Anna


Berke Ildikó

Nagy Ildikó


Zipernovszky Kornél




Mission statement:


DELP's aim is to help our students become English language professionals with sound language and professional training as well as a broad minded and educated outlook on the world. We work particularly to help our students attain

  • high language proficiency

  • an awareness of language and culture related to language

  • knowledge and understanding of English speaking cultures

  • skills of intercultural communication

  • skills of gathering, processing and transmitting information in a wide range of contexts

  • critical thinking

  • attitudes of professionalism such as responsibility, precision, self-reliance and self-development

  • knowledge, skills and attitudes to become reflective teachers.


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A note on plagiarism:

DELP is committed to maintaining high academic standards both in the content and academic honesty in our own and in our students’ work.

Plagiarism is the presentation of other people’s texts or ideas as one’s own without documenting the source properly. Among other forms, it may occur as a copy of the original or an altered text that is still recognizably close to the original and even as translation.  Any form of plagiarism is unacceptable and incurs disciplinary action. Depending on the severity of the case, this may be a serious warning, or failing a paper or the whole course, or a penalty determined by the School’s or the Faculty’s Disciplinary Committee.



Anti-discrimination statement:


The staff of the Department of English Language Pedagogy are fully committed both to promoting freedom of expression and to respecting the rights and dignity of all people regardless of their ethnic or socio-cultural background, gender, religion, beliefs or sexual orientation. As we consider diversity beneficial, and respectful communication essential, we expect the same commitment from our students in their discourse and behaviour.

(accepted on 21 February, 2011)



In line with this statement, DELP has been conducting awareness raising  events and activities to understand and  celebrate diversity.

Find our on at: https://www.facebook.com/eltedelpdiversity



On 16 March, 2013 the School of English and American Studies published the following declaration on its website at http://seas3.elte.hu/seas/portal.html :

Mi, az ELTE BTK Angol–Amerikai Intézetének tanárai és munkatársai teljes szívünkből elítéljük és mélyen felháborítónak tartjuk azt az alantas támadást, amelyet az elmúlt napokban intéztek — fajgyűlöletet szító feliratok elhelyezésével — egyes oktatótársaink és munkatársaink ellen ismeretlen tettesek. Ezt a támadást éppen olyan határozottan elítéljük, mint — ahogy azt már többször kijelentettük és az Intézet antidiszkriminációs nyilatkozatában megfogalmaztuk — magának a megkülönböztetésnek és kirekesztésnek minden formáját.


The School of English and American Studies wishes to impart the following declaration, apropos the appearance of anti-Semitic remarks on the doors of some of our colleagues not so long ago.

The entire body of academic and administrative staff of the School of English and American Studies condemns wholeheartedly and without reservation the obnoxious racist attacks, executed under the cover of anonymity, aimed at some of our colleagues’ personal integrity in the schools of the Faculty. We condemn this attack as categorically as we do all other imaginable forms of discrimination (as worded in the School’s antidiscrimination policy).




Professional profile:


DELP's profile includes teaching language development, the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language and cultural studies. The department is responsible for providing courses in  various programmes:

DELP also hosts the the Australian Studies Programme.


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The department secretariat is in Room 301 on the 3rd floor of  Rákóczi út 5,

and the teachers' offices are in the 4th floor.



Click on the map to see the area on Google Maps:



The entrance from within the campus is at: Múzeum körút 4/E.

Our offices are 401-412.


Direct phone: (36-1) 460 4407

switchboard: (36-1) 485 5200 ext.:4407

email: delp@seas3.elte.hu





Meet some of our colleagues having fun in the park. The others are probably doing serious work indoors or behind the camera:











You can see the list of all staff under "Staff directory" with details on how to reach them, while their professional details are provided under "Staff details".



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And this is our Department Cactus:





It is enduring and bright - just like we'd like DELP to be.







                                  ©  ELTE  DELP,  Budapest