The SEAS Singers at the CHARM-EU Cultural Festival

2024. november 05. 15:00 - 15:30
Rákóczi út 5, 4th floor foyer
2024. november 05. 15:00 - 15:30
Rákóczi út 5, 4th floor foyer
Originally known as the “DELP Yelpers”, our group began life back in the mid “noughties”: within the newly-formed Department, we discovered that there were several of us who loved singing but were too busy to join a regular choir. (We also find that a quick sing at lunchtime wakes us up for afternoon lessons!) As a group, it has always been a staff department initiative in and of itself. In the early days, there were only five or six of us, but more recently, numbers of grown, and we are now a group of 12 people, covering more comfortably the SATB roles (soprano, alto, tenor & bass). In 2023, and to include a member from another nearby department, we also renamed ourselves “The SEAS Singers”.
Our repertoire ranges from Willaert to Willcocks, via Tallis, Purcell and the Beatles. We sing in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Latin – and have yet to sing in Hungarian. The group sings at various small scale departmental and institutional events, which have included celebrations for staff promotions, “big” birthdays, or PhD defences. We also consider ourselves a key component of the annual DLEP / SEAS Christmas party!