Péter Medgyes' 70th birthday

Péter Medgyes' 70th birthday

DELP - in fact SEAS - and IATEFL-Hungary, together with friends and colleagues filling the Pázmány auditorium in Gólyavár to capacity celebrated Péter Medgyes' 70th birthday on 9 October just before the 25th IATEFL Conference. The DELP YELPERS and the audience sang, Faculty of Humanities Dean László Borhy, Krisztina Károly - also speaking for head of school, János Kenyeres -, Ádám Nádasdy, Jill Hadfield and Alan Maley greeted Péter and also revived funny stories much to the amusement of the audience. A surprise volume compiled for Péter for the occasion - Inspirations in Foreign Language Teaching: Studies in Language Pedagogy and Applied Linguistics in Honour of Péter Medgyes  (edited by Dorottya Holló and Krisztina Károly, with contributions by: Jenő Bárdos, Kata Csizér, Pál Heltai, Éva Illés, Robert B. Kaplan, Zsolt Király, Tamás Kiss, Ildikó Lázár, Éva Major, Angi Malderez, Adrienn Menyhárt, Marianne Nikolov, Ruth Petzold, Judit Révész, Trevor Shanklin, Gábor Szabó, Gyula Tankó,  and published by Pearson) - was also presented. The event was closed with a song by David Hill, and the well wishers congratulating Péter. Here are some photos taken by Laci Asbóth and Ildikó Lázár:

a photo album by Géza Lőrincze is accessible here: mp70.owl.hu (If you go down the page you can even turn on the music.)

and Mark Andrews made a little video that can be viewed here:


And here are Alan Maley's: