DELP Christmas Party 2018

DELP Christmas Party 2018

The Christmas party - organised by Judit Révész - was a splendid event with a lot of fun games and singing. Special thanks to

Frank Prescott and his students who brought us a Christmas poem;

Uwe Pohl and Christopher Ryan who sang the Coventry Carol for us;

the student representative body who served some fine mulled wine;

the teachers of the foundation year courses who brought a lot of their students with them;

last but not least, to all the students who brought delicious cakes for the charity bake sale.

The event was well attended by students and DELP staff, and we were happy to see the School represented by Illés Éva and Kenyeres János, as well as DAS by prof. Frank Tibor.

We usually use these events for raising funds for a worthy cause. This year we collected a record amount of HUF 26.500 Ft and  EUR 11 to be transferred to the account of the charity organization who are collecting money for a mother and her two sons in great need in the village of Gilvánfa.